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Jadejha Edwards Age, Boyfriend, Height, Job, The Circle S7

The Circle S7 premiered on 11 September 2024 and Jadejha Edwards is one of the competitors. A cyber security expert would be the ideal person to expose a scammer. That’s precisely Jadejha’s day job, so maybe she can utilize it to her advantage in the experiment.

Does she have a boyfriend? How old is she? What is her job?

The answer to all the questions unfolds as this article proceeds.

Jadejha Edwards On The Circle S7

Jadejha Edwards made an impression right away during their first text exchange in The Circle. She was overjoyed to text her competitors. Darian Holt was one individual in particular who captured her interest. She was intrigued by his appearance, how he carried himself and talked, stirring thoughts of a prospective alliance—and perhaps something more.

Jadejha stood out with some of her witty answers during the players’ brief game of answering questions, but this didn’t lead to any suspicions about her “catfishing.” She took advantage of the next day to ask Darian for a private conversation. Their talk included some playful flirtation, but more importantly, they reinforced their partnership, pledging to watch each other’s backs throughout the season.

Jadejha realized that to improve her standing, she would need to make additional alliances. She saw the potential for a powerful girls’ alliance when she was asked into a group chat with Deb Levy (Rachel) and Gianna (twins JoJo and Nicky Scarlotta), who were portraying Gianna.

Jadejha was happy to join them once Rachel suggested they form a group, and she admired her direct approach. She continued to hold her strong position, finishing third in the first elimination round and fourth in the second. However, she made the sensible decision to stay out of the drama when hostilities erupted following Savannah Miller’s removal.

Jadejha confided in Darian, telling him that she didn’t want to become involved in the fight and that she would rather act responsibly while concentrating on winning the game with his help.

Jadejha Edwards Boyfriend

The relationship status of Jadejha Edwards is unclear. She is likely enjoying her single life.

Jadejha Edwards Age

In 2024, Jadejha Edwards is 25 years old.

Who Are Jadejha Edwards Parents?

Jadejha’s parents are unknown but she has shared about her mother, “Born into my mother’s gang life, I am selling drugs so we can eat.” Her mom was in Jail at least until 2017 and her dad who had PTSD kicked her out at the age of 16.

However, they have reconciled their relationship apparently. “Happy Father’s Day to the best papi a girl could ask for. Over 25 years together and I have learned so much from you. There once was a time that we hardly talked (those teen years were rough) but now you’re the first person I call when Im scared, happy, need advice, or just feel like annoying someone. We went from five-minute conversations to being on facetime talking about everything under the sun. As your first, Ive got to spend more than half your life with you so naturally while you were watching me grow, I was watching you. Weve had the tough conversations that most people never have and because of that Ive grown to love and appreciate every moment with you. There’s nothing better than an active and present father (& grandpaw) Love you bestie, in this lifetime and the next,” on Father’s Day 2024 she wrote.

“They could never see the good in me, you know?” she explained.

Jadejha reportedly had a tough life early on and was homeless at times. Her dorm room at USF was the first room she’d ever had to herself.

Jadejha Edwards Job

At the age of 18, Jadejha Edwards began working in corporate America, and before she turned 25, she had ascended the corporate ladder. Leading company-wide initiatives and scholarships, she has also visited numerous schools to speak to kids about her story of growing up and breaking into computing as a young black woman. Moreover, she has been picked by various CISOs, CTOs, and managers to be part of mentorship programs within the tech area.

Challenges and tribulations shrouded Jadejha’s upbringing. Jadejha discovered solace in the Starting Right, Now program, which allowed her to concentrate on her studies. This allowed her to graduate with a 6.1 GPA and take on the role of Jefferson High School’s student body president. The first room she ever had to herself was her dorm room at USF.

Jadejha graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor’s degree. She began her career as an incident response analyst before moving up to the role of SIEM engineer. She is currently thriving in the computer industry as a security engineer at a reputable company. Now that Jadejha is building a life she loves, a lot of people respect her bravery and persistence. Years of losses, hardships, and low points eventually paid off for her.

“Me ten years ago wouldn’t even recognize me today. However, every time I meet someone new, they say that I’m going to make a difference in the world, and I truly believe that,” Jadejha exclaimed.

By 2023, she acquired a new passion—entrepreneurship. Although she worked for Robert Half throughout the initial phases of her business, Your Tech Tutor, a cybersecurity education company, was formally established by her in January 2023. The organization provides programs and courses designed for kids and people who want to pursue careers in cybersecurity.

Jadejha Edwards Height

Jadejha Edwards’s height measures above 5 feet 5 inches.

Related FAQs

  • Is Jadejha Edwards On Instagram?

Jaejha Edwards is available on Instagram (@itsjadejha).

  • When Is Jadejha Edwards Birthday?

We currently have no information about Jadejha’s birthday.

  • Where Is Jadejha Edwards From?

According to her Facebook, Jadejha lives in Houston, Texas.

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