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Jalen Olomu Age, Height, Girlfriend, Too Hot to Handle

On 26 July 2024, Netflix released episodes 5-7 of Too Hot to Handle season 6 and Jalen Olomu was one of the new bombshells who arrived to cause a stir in the show. Find out more about Jalen as this article proceeds.

Here in this short bio we discuss his age, height, girlfriend, and more.

Jalen Olomu On Too Hot to Handle S6

In Episode 7 after Jalen Olomu was introduced on Too Hot to Handle, he chose DeMari’s partner Brianna “Bri” Balram to go on a date with. Bad Lana introduced Jalen as, “Well, the baddest of bad boys who thinks you’re smoking hot is on his way to whisk you off your feet right now.”

Jalen describes himself as “the alpha of the group.” It was easy for him to get the woman he liked because, according to him, he had the most dominant personality among his pals.

“We like to go out and get girls, but I think I get the most girls out of my friends,” Jalen added.

Jalen also acknowledged that his “tall, athletic” physique assisted him in “getting the ladies.” He added that he loves going to the gym. Jalen had a defiant attitude when he approached Too Hot to Handle. He asserted that he wasn’t the one to play by the rules and fairly.

And even if the lady he liked was coupled with someone else, he wouldn’t mind treading on some toes to obtain her. He disclosed that he knew Lana had a “track record of bringing bad girls,” which was what he was hoping for from the show when he arrived at her hideaway.

Bri was nervous but excited to go on a date with Jalen.

Jalen Olomu Girlfriend

Brianna Balram and Demari Davis’ budding romance has just begun to blossom when Lana arranges for Bri to go on a date with Jalen Olomu, a new “grenade” who is there to provide some spice. As Episode 7 draws to an end, everyone, including the narrator Desiree Burch, wants to know if Bri kissed Jalen. It’s also Demari’s top priority because he’s finally all in and doesn’t care about anyone else.

When “Too Hot to Handle” Season 6, Episode 7, ends, there’s still a lingering doubt about Bri kissing Jalen. Additionally, even if Bri doesn’t tell Demari what happened on the date, viewers might still have a reasonable idea of what likely happened between her and the new guy.

It appears doubtful that Bri and Jalen kissed, based on the teaser for the upcoming season. You won’t want to miss the scene where Bri and Demari are having sex on the beach. Bri and Demari are seated next to each other on a couch for the grand finale.

The last few episodes of “Too Hot to Handle” Season 6 imply that Bri and Demari are still together, implying that she refrained from kissing Jalen in spite of her strong desire to do so. In the teaser, Jalen sees Flavia Laos in another scenario, but at the conclusion, she isn’t seated next to her present partner, Joao Coronel.

Another reason to believe that Bri and Jalen did not kiss is that Demari says he is “done” if he finds out that Bri kissed Jalen during their date. Given that Demari appears and is depicted in the trailer for Episodes 8–10, it is quite likely that Bri did not kiss Jalen.

Or perhaps, just because it’s currently a remote possibility, Demari chose to stay with Bri in violation of his commitment.

As for Jalen, he appears single based on his social media activities.

Jalen Olomu Age

Reportedly born in 1998, Jalen Olomu is 26 years old as of July 2024.

Jalen Olomu Family

Some of the family members of Jalen Olomu are Francis Olomu, Nicholas Olomu, Ore Olomu-Brown, and Alfred Brown. Among them, Francis is likely his father and Nicholas is his younger brother.

Nicholas has shared about Francis saying that he came from Nigeria. He worked hard and studied at UCLA to become a radiologist. Francis now manages medical facilities in Suntree and Melbourne.

Nicholas himself graduated from Holy Trinity and headed to Duke University. He is currently employed at Goldman Sachs.

Jalen Olomu Height

Jalen Olomu stands tall at a towering height of 6’2”. His chest-waist-hip measurements are 40”-31.5”-39”. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Jalen Olomu Job

Jalen Olomu is a model, entrepreneur, and online fitness coach. He is also the owner of EB Fitness since December 2020. As a model, he is signed to Sports + Lifestyle Unlimited Agency.

Jalen graduated from Holy Trinity Academy. For his college education, Jalen attended Florida State University. He graduated in August 2020.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Jalen Olomu From?

Jalen is a native of Melbourne, Florida. He is likely of Nigerian heritage.

  • When Is Jalen Olomu Birthday?

Jalen Olomu celebrates his birthday on 24 June.

  • Is Jalen Olomu On Instagram?

Indeed, Jalen is available on Instagram (@jalenolomu) and TikTok (@jalenolomu).

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