Bravo announced a new show titled Real Girlfriends In Paris, which follows a friend group of six American ex-pats living, laughing, and loving in the City of Light (and City of Love). The 10-episode first season premieres on 5 September 2022. According to the show’s official description, the cast — Anya Firestone, Emily Gorelik, Margaux Lignel, Kacey Margo, Adja Toure, and Victoria Zito — have all relocated to Paris to experience “their wildest adventure yet in the most beautiful city in the world.”
“As the women live their best lives and chase their ultimate dreams, they find themselves navigating careers, romantic rendezvous, unavoidable conflicts and discovering who they are meant to be and exactly what they want,” the show’s description reads.
Learn more about Adja Toure in this bio. Below you’ll learn details about her parents, age, job, and other details.
Adja Toure On Bravo’s RGIP (Real Girlfriends In Paris)
According to her bio from the show, Adja Toure is a high achiever with an Ivy League degree from Cornell. Having visited Paris growing up, she has dreamt of returning as an adult. With her family scattered across the country, she has always felt at home in France. Fatigued by her current job, Adja begins to consider a career pivot into the beauty space. While putting this next phase in motion, she dips her toes into the dating scene but will need to combat her trust issues first.”
“I left basically everything behind and just uprooted my whole life and went to Paris…” Adja said about finding friends away from home. “It’s just really good to have a support team.”
She also spoke to OK! Magazine and told, “The guy that you see that those first couple episodes, Alex, there’s a whole storyline behind that. I definitely discussed, what am I looking for? Am I ready for commitment? Do I have trust issues that I can combat? Or am I just gonna, you know, stick to the hoe phase?”
Adja added, “I think that in general, it’s been a really good growing experience for me. Living in Paris was just the first time that I was like, I’m a big girl now.”
Being an American in Paris can be daunting for some. However, she welcomed the change. “I have family in Paris, so since I was a little girl I think I was already kind of assimilated in a way, but it’s not the same when you’re 7, 15, 18, whatever, like now,” Adja explains.
“Now I’m like in my twenties and doing it for myself. I’m really picking up on the fact that yes, universal healthcare is amazing, but also just in general, there’s these little things about Paris that show that they care more about their citizens than a lot of American cities,” the Atelier Toure founder added.
The six stars of RGIP have a lot in common as ex-pats who chose to relocate to the City of Lights permanently for their own unique reasons, whether it was for employment, culture, or to be close to family. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the cast members are close friends, however, viewers can anticipate some conflict as the season goes on.
In early August 2022, Adja announced, “20 years apart yet my poses, fits, and sass haven’t changed! Watch the premiere of Real Girlfriends in Paris on September 5th and make bébé Adj proud #rgip #realgirlfriendsinparis #bravotv”.
Adja Toure Job
Adja Toure is the founder of Atelier Toure LLC which she founded in July 2022. She is also working as the Senior Brand Operations Manager at Ecommerce Solutions Company.
Her LinkedIn states that she started her career as Special Events Intern at U.S. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington D.C. Metro Area. From 2014 to 2015, she served as Administrative Assistant of Engaged Learning and Research at Cornell University.
Furthermore, in 2015, Adja worked as an event planning intern at Julie Lundy Event Design. A year later in May 2016, she worked at Gymtegrity as a Head of Marketing.
Other companies Adja had worked for included BlackRock as Institutional Client Business Summer Analyst, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business as External Relations Associate, Walmart eCommerce as Beauty Buyer/Merchandiser, The Cookware Company as Sr. eCommerce Analyst, CPG 3rd Party Merchant as CPG Key Account Manager, and Multicultural Hair Care Company as Interim Manager ECommerce.
Adja earned her Bachelor’s degree in Hotel Administration from Cornell University.
Did You Know: Adja is fluent in French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
How Much Is Adja Toure Net Worth?
At the time of this writing, Adja Toure’s net worth should be under $450 thousand.
Adja Toure Height
Adja Toure stands tall at 5 feet 6.5 inches.
Is Adja Toure Dating Anyone?
No, Adja Toure appears single. However, she shared with E! News that dating in France is far different than in the U.S. after her date rejects the possibility of having a long-distance relationship.
Based on her socials, Adja Toure is currently happily single and enjoying her life as a Parisian with a thriving career.
Adja Toure Age
In March 2022, Adja Toure celebrated her 26th birthday.
Adja Toure Family
Adja Toure is the daughter of Chamesou Toure and Anne Marie Toure. Born in November 1952, her father is 69 years old. Meanwhile, her mother is 55 years old, being born in November 1966.
Chamesou is currently working as the General Manager at Caurix Paiement Mobile. He formerly served as Director of System Planning at BRINGCOM INC, Senior Business Analyst, and Product Manager at Convergys. Moreover, he also served as the Corporate Finance Professor at Johns Hopkins University.
Chamesou graduated from
Anne is working as a Language Arts Teacher/Language Training Supervisor at the Department of State Development/Foreign Service Institute. Adult Education and Innovation in Annandale, Virginia.
Other family members include Sidy Toure and Ndeye Dieynaba Toure who are likely her siblings.
Related FAQs
Where Is Adja Toure From?
Adja Toure is originally from Annandale, Virginia. She has also lived in Ithaca, New York.
When Is Adja Toure Birthday?
Adja Toure celebrates her birthday on 17 March.
Is Adja Toure On Instagram And Facebook?
Yes, Adja Toure is on Instagram (@adjadjadjadja) but she doesn’t seem to be on Facebook.
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