Survivor 45, as it premiered on 27 September 2023, introduced to viewers a contestant from British Columbia, marking a first for the show. It is Kaleb Gebrewold we speak of. A huge fan of the show, Kaleb decided to put in his tape for the show mostly to win the $1-million USD prize and also the titled “Sole Survivor”. Also, having never been qualified for anything he did before, he felt like he was perfectly qualified for Survivor. Keep reading and we shall tell you about his journey on the show and about his life in general.
Kaleb Gebrewold On Survivor 45
In a promotional video of Survivor 45, Kaleb Gebrewwold is described as a software salesman. He himself also gushed about being a “Black Huckleberry Finn” and added that he would love to give off “Golden Retriever energy.” “Like “he loves games, he loves people—energetic!” And what they don’t realize is this dog was raised by wolves,” he said.
Kaleb, unlike other cast members, has not been watching Survivor since he was a 2-year-old. For him, starting the show was an intentional thing. He listed out all of the best villain seasons of all time and just went at them in order. So, it was like watching seasons in the order 1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 16, 19, 20, before he got hooked.
Speaking of ‘how he prepared for the show’, he quit weightlifting five months prior and jumped into CrossFit and made sure he was not putting on muscle and getting cut, and eating a lot of carbs. He also did some yoga, rewatched a bunch of seasons, and listened to a bunch of winner interviews just to get in the mind of a winner.
When talking to, Kaleb also spilled about being identified with Tyson, a winner, and Jeremy, both winner and loser. He said he empathized the most with these alumni of Survivor.
Before starting to navigate this social game rife with mental and physical challenges, Kaleb was expecting to form alliances with someone with good control over their emotions and also somebody who can get along with a lot of other people and drive information. It is not yet understood if he was successful that way.
Kaleb Gebrewold Job
Kaleb Gebrewold has been working as a strategic marketing, senior account executive at Breakthrough Physical Therapy Marketing, a marketing organization, since September 2017. Here, Kaleb claims to have been an integral part of building sales processes and collateral for our feature programs, working with new businesses, and expanding current relationships.
Before this, Kaleb was working as a staffing manager in business development at Canada’s staffing agency called Robert Half. In the past, he also worked as a franchise manager at College Pro and as a summer camps instructor and lifeguard at Simon Fraser University.
Kaleb went to the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University under the Simon Fraser University Dean’s Excellence Entrance Scholarship. There he got his Bachelor in Business Administration degree. Also, between 2008 and 2012, he was a student at Terry Fox SecondaryTerry Fox Secondary.
How Ols Is Kaleb Gebrewold?
Kaleb Gebrewold was 29 years old when he participated in Survivor 45 in 2023.
Kaleb Gebrewold Family
Kaleb’s father Aschalew Gebrewold is a registered nurse at Fraser Health Authority in Vancouver, British Columbia. Before pursuing his career that way, he studied at the University of Saskatchewan. On his Facebook, the Vancouver, British Columbia dweller also marked his marital status as being “married”. Turns out, he married again sometime around March 2022. Kaleb, after having attended his dad’s wedding, had taken to his IG to congratulate him. He wrote that he is proud of him for being so strong and also added that he could not have been happier to be with him on his big day. “Can’t believe how big this family has gotten these last couple of years..,” Kaleb also wrote sharing pictures of his dad and his new stepmom.
Sadly, Kaleb’s biological mother is no more. She was Aynalem Tadesse, a loving mother, wife, and friend, as described in her obituary. She was born on 27 October 1967 and passed away on 10 April 2014.
Aynalem and Kaleb’s dad were still married when the former passed away.
Further, in his family, Kaleb also has a brother named Jacob Gebrewold (on IG @jacobgebrewold). “Two Ethiopian refugees raised a debater/spoken word poet who went into tech sales”, this is how Jacob can be seen describing himself on his LinkedIn profile. From there, we also learned that he has been the account executive at Sprout Social, Inc. since June 2023. He also has been the co-founder of Sales for the Culture, a communal movement of Black tech sellers, since October 2020. He went to Simon Fraser University and later married Olivia Gebrewold (on IG @livfriesen).
Kaleb Gebrewold Girlfriend
Looking at Kaleb’s social media, one is bound to speculate that he may be dating this beautiful blonde lady named Nicole “Nico” Contoli. They both featured one another on their respective social media pages. However, as of September 2023, they had not already changed their relationship status from ‘single’ to ‘in a relationship’ on their Facebook profile.
Kaleb Gebrewold Height
Among other bodily features of his Kaleb Gebrewold also loves the fact that he stands above 1.83 meters in height.
Related FAQs
Where Is Kaleb Gebrewold From?
Kaleb Gebrewold originally hails from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia. As of 2023 though, he had been residing in Vancouver, British Columbia.
When Is Kaleb Gebrewold’s Birthday?
Kaleb’s birthday is on September 16th.
Is Kaleb Gebrewold On Instagram?
Indeed. One could give Kaleb Gebrewold a follow on Instagram as of September 2023. His IG account @kalebgebrewold included 14 posts and 2,021 followers. In addition to that, he was also available on ‘Kaleb Gebrewold’ Facebook and on Twitter @kalebgebrewold.