Amid the New Year’s 2022 and Kim Kardashian divorce drama, Kanye West has been reportedly spotted enjoying date night with actress Julia Fox. And the news naturally made us wonder if these two are dating and what happened to Julia Fox’s husband-turned-baby daddy Peter Artemiev.
Luckily this ‘Peter Artemiev Bio’ explains all.
Meet Peter Artemiev, Julia Fox Husband
Ahead of Christmas, i.e., on 24 December 2021, Julia took to her Instagram to slam her “dead beat alcoholic” baby daddy Peter Artemiev.
The Italian-American actress and filmmaker had started off the two-day rant on putting a picture of Peter on an Instagram story where she wrote — “Have you seen this dead beat dad. He can be found at most strip clubs, Lucien, Paul’s bbg, Casablanca, the streets, etc. Please remind him he has a child to take care of.”
Another post came in and she continued — “I can’t even do it anymore. I just don’t want my son f–ked up cuz he feels like his dad was absent or loved alcohol and partying more than him.”
So, what Julia wanted to say was that she felt wronged with Peter leaving her with a 5-month-old, a dog, their home, and all the bills”.
Meanwhile days later, on 31 December, Peter gave his statement to Page Six. He said he was saddened to learn of the “utterly false statements” made on social media by Julia. Instead, he accused that his “co-parent” is struggling and concluded with an “Out of respect for her privacy and to protect our child, I will not comment further”.
Julia had announced the birth of their son, Valentino, via Instagram, earlier in February 2021. And by that time, she and Peter were in the process of divorcing.
Meanwhile, back in May 2020, the Uncut Gems star had told GQ — “We’re friendly, but we’re not together. He’s still my friend. I’m sure he would like it to be more, but it’s not happening.”, Julia had told GQ in May 2020.
The seemingly-estranged couple had tied the knot sometime in 2018.
With that being said, this drama with Peter, however, is not the first time Julia’s relationship drama made headlines. In 2015, she and another ex were barred from no longer existing hipster hotspot, Happy Ending, where she was an investor and he was a manager after she accused him of attacking her.
Are Julia Fox And Peter Artemiev Still Married?
As of 3 January 2022, Julia Fox and Peter were still legally married but not together or lived together.
The last time, they made a public appearance as a family, their son included, was when they attended the premiere of No Sudden Move during the 2021 Tribeca Festival at Battery Park on 18 June 2021.
Talking about Julia’s recent encounter with Kanye, it was TMZ, reporting that the Italian-American actress “has been reportedly spotted enjoying date night with actress Julia Fox in Miami.” According to TMZ, these two enjoyed some time together in Carbone Restaurant in Miami on Saturday night, which also happens to be the 2022 New Year’s night. The outlet went on writing that the pair seemed to be having a good time but also cared to mention that the date did not turn out to be anything serious.
Peter Artemiev Age
Peter Artemiev was reportedly born after 1985. If that were to be true, he would have turned 36 years old in the least, sometime in 2021.
Peter Artemiev Job
Back in 2018, when Juia Fox surprised her people on Instagram with her marriage announcement, Peter Artemiev was a pilot working in private aviation in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach.
Based on this fact, a hint on his salary some years back would be: ZipRecruiter has it estimating that as of December 2021, the average annual pay for a Pilot in Brooklyn was $123,332, a year.
How Much Is Peter Artemiev Net Worth?
Peter Artemiev had less than an estimated $200K net worth by the end of December 2021.
Peter Artemiev Family
So far, Peter Artemiev’s family as well as his roots remained a mystery to everyone. Based on the fact that there’s this chess player named Vladislav Artemiev who comes from Russia, chances are Peter’s family roots may be Russian as well.
Related FAQs
When Is Peter Artemiev Birthday?
It is also not understood when exactly Peter Atemiev celebrates his birthday.
Where Was Peter Artemiev Born?
While it’s not been yet confirmed, Peter still seems to have been born in the United States.
How Tall Is Peter Artemiev?
When Peter and Julia Fox are standing together, Peter would tower over her even when Julia, in her height of 5 Feet 7 Inches (1.7 meters), wears her heels.
Is Peter Artemiev On IG And Twitter?
Unlike Julia Fox, Peter Artemiev did not appear to have any social media presence. As of 3 January 2022, he was not on Instagram and Twitter and also no longer featured on his seeming ex-wife’s popular pages.