The intriguing competitor from CBS’s “Survivor 46,” Jemila “Jem” Hussain-Adams, added a spark to the exciting 2024 season of the game. From a multicultural family, Jem’s captivating personality revealed stories about her amazing life in the first section. She had a notable presence in the thrilling “Survivor 46” journey because of her distinct experiences and strategic acumen, which kept spectators on edge.
Read about her age, job, husband, and more as you scroll down this article.
Jem Hussain-Adams On Survivor 46
Jemila “Jem” Hussain-Adams, a participant in “Survivor 46,” beamingly declares that her “husband is jealous” because she made it onto the competition. After applying to the show in the same video with her spouse, the 32-year-old Chicago brand mentor was the only one to receive a callback.
Jem, who was born in Guyana and came to New York City, describes her initial experience there as “tough,” since she was informed that she “could only make minimum wage” without a college degree. But Jem was motivated to dream greater because she knew she deserved more from life. “I deserve more. I want more. And I always have that drive,” she claims.
Jem believes that because she “likes to manage” as a manager, she will be able to “pass down the task so that [she] is not the bad guy.” Her upbringing in a modest home where her family shared a single mattress “made [her] a fighter” and equipped her with the skills necessary to “play hard” in the game.
Jem described herself as “Motivated, Resilient, and Hilarious.” The most proud accomplishment of Jem shared, “I’m super proud of a lot of things – surviving in the US is probably my biggest accomplishment. After I moved here, I had no one to lean on, and I wanted to give up multiple times and go back home to Guyana. However, I stuck it out.”
Jem Hussain-Adams Age
As of March 2025, Jem Hussain-Adams is 32 years old. 1991 is her birth year.
Jem Hussain-Adams Job
Jem Hussain-Adams is working as an International Brand Mentor at Victoria’s Secret & Co. She started her job in that role in September 2023. She joined the company in 2011 working as a sales manager. She worked in that role until 2018.
Then, in October 2018, Jem became an Assistant Flagship Manager and served for another year and three months. From 2019 to 2021, she worked as a general manager, then as a store manager, followed by Center Store Manager for Victoria’s Secret & Victoria’s Secret Pink Free Standing Stores #1018.
Jem is a co-founder of Connectt Social Network. She is also a Sales & Management Coach at Hidden Jem Consulting LLC.
Jem Hussain-Adams Husband
Jem Hussain-Adams and her husband Cam Adams married on 22 March 2023. Jem first introduced her husband in July 2021 and wished him, “Happy Anniversary Sunshine ♥️.”
Their romance broke down barriers based on culture and resulted in a Christian wedding in March 2023 that was richly decorated with a Vermala Ceremony and Ring Warming. It’s interesting to note that Cameron is a diehard “Survivor” viewer in addition to being his life partner. During the epidemic, he was the one who first exposed her to the show. He tried unsuccessfully to get on the show, but the pair applied together and worked up a strategy to go undercover and compete against one another.
Cam proposed to Jem in October 2022. “I said yes to spending the best years of my life with my favorite person at the grandest symbol of love! ♥️ #futuremrsadams💍,” Jem shared about her engagement which happened infront of Taj Mahal in India.
On Cam’s birthday in August 2023, Jem wished him, “Happy Birthday to my favorite person in the whole wide world! Love you to the moon and back! #dirtythirty 😚.”
Jem explained the special dynamics of their Survivor experience in an interview with Parade, saying, “Literally, Survivor does all this crazy stuff.” We consider going undercover. Play one another first, then cooperatively. After that, they sent back an email saying, ‘Hey, we want you.’ And I was like, ‘Great!’ He’s still supportive, though. He’s like, ‘Go live it. Have as much fun as you can.’ And that’s why I’m here.”
Jem discovered her life partner and a loving relationship with her mother-in-law, Ingrid Van Pee Adams, despite the show’s hardships. During the “Survivor” episode, Ingrid’s support was evident, demonstrating the strength of the relationships that go beyond the competition.
Jem Hussain-Adams Height
Jem Hussain-Adams’s height measures under 5 feet 6 inches.
Related FAQs
When Is Jem Hussain-Adams From?
Jem Hussain-Adams hailed from Berbice, Guyana, South America. She is now residing in Chicago, Illinois. Her parents migrated from India whereas her Ancestry data suggests that she is 100% Sri Lankan.
When Is Jem Hussain-Adams Birthday?
Jem Hussain-Adams’s birthday is on 4 December.
Is Jem Hussain-Adams On Instagram?
Yes, on Instagram, Jem Hussain-Adams has 1606 followers.